
Jesus spoke truth. Prophet Isaiah said of Him: “Nor was any deceit in his mouth.” So one has to seriously consider what He spoke of hell.

He said that those who says, “You fool!” to his brother will be in danger of the fire of hell. There the fire never goes out. He said that … Read the rest


From the time God planted the garden of Eden, rivers have played a major role in human history in every culture. The first mention is recorded in Genesis saying: “A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four head waters.”

The mention of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates could … Read the rest

What Is Prayer?

One cannot read the Bible and miss its frequent records of prayer. Can you imagine the Bible without any mention of prayer? No. Why?

Because prayer is not a duty but the most natural way one expresses oneself to God. In that way it is something personal. Prayer therefore is carried forward on waves of … Read the rest


Paul writing to the Corinthians wrote that the people drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ. As you know, God commanded Moses thus: “I will stand there before you by the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock and water will come out of it for people to drink.” Christ … Read the rest


The great hope of a Christian is to bear the likeness of Jesus. This will become reality fully in the days to come. At the moment we “are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory!”

And Paul writing to the Corinthians about the resurrection affirmed: “And just as we have borne the likeness of … Read the rest


Heaven is a comforting reality.
Just before His death Jesus addressed His disciples and asked them not to let their hearts be troubled. He told that in His Father’s house were many rooms and He was going to prepare a place for them. And after doing so He would come back to take them to … Read the rest


One cannot escape noticing constant references to Egypt in the Bible. It not only stands for the nation but also for some sinful attitudes. And it also stands for God’s redeeming power which was displayed in the nation of Egypt to deliver His people Israel out of it.

First of all Egypt reminds us of Read the rest

Citizens of Heaven

We are known on earth by our citizenship. Even though this is usually concerned about the nation we are born or live in; Christians need to be conscious about their better citizenship. It should reflect in their attitudes and behavior and planning for life and life to come.

Paul (ref. Philippians) wrote about people whose … Read the rest

God Your Healer

The Book of Exodus records God telling the Israelites that “IF” they listened carefully to His voice and obeyed His commands He would not bring on them the diseases that He brought on the Egyptians: “For I am the Lord who heals you.”

So obedience to God is a precondition to healing though not all … Read the rest

Jesus Your High Priest

This is a great reality and a great comfort to a Christian. Jesus is at the right hand of God. He represents you before God. He is interceding for you right now.

Think of it. You are constantly represented before God. In the Old Testament Aaron bore the names of the sons of Israel over … Read the rest


God has kept blood as a visible sign.

This is seen from the way the Israelites were protected at the time of the Exodus. The blood of the Passover Lamb (identified as Jesus Christ in the New Testament) was put on the sides and the tops of the doorframes of the houses of the … Read the rest


Time on earth is your God-given opportunity to prepare for eternity. The time-span of life on earth is very brief indeed. Job said that his days were swifter than a weaver’s shuttle.

Moses said that our length of days is seventy or eighty years; their span is but trouble and sorrow and they quickly pass … Read the rest


The Bible deals honestly with rejection. It happens to those who trust God fully. This is because the righteous life of godly men and women is in itself a judgment on the sinful lives of ungodly people. Therefore others hate and reject godly people.

Another reason is that godly people live a life with a … Read the rest


One way to understand how God dealt with His children is to study the questions He asked them. They have timeless relevance. Try to answer those questions. You will be able to untie several knots when you are able to answer those questions.

Let us start at the beginning. God asked: “Where are you?” It … Read the rest

God’s Will

The reason why some many Christians are confused about God’s will is because they fail to read the Bible from cover to cover on a continual basis. Thus they fail to realize that God has already revealed His will through the pages of the Bible.

The more one reads and meditates on these pages the … Read the rest

God’s Call

The Bible is full of God’s call to individuals. Most of them were called while they were diligent and busy with their work. They were not only called but also shown what specific thing they were called to do in life.

And God also gave them strength, wisdom, courage, skill and ability to do what … Read the rest


Confidence is a much talked about word in the world today. Much of it is about self-confidence. But the Bible talks about a different kind of confidence. It is God-confidence. The Bible also warns against putting your confidence in the flesh: in your tradition, in your wisdom or in your past achievements.

The Bible clearly … Read the rest


Victory rests with the Lord. He holds victory in store for the upright. Therefore shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous.

The Lord is a warrior. He goes with His servants, fights their battles and gives them victory. The horse and its rider of enemy forces, He hurls into the … Read the rest


The greatest command regarding obstacles in the walk of faith is: “Stand still.” This may not always necessarily mean doing nothing. But it means not to be frenzied in mind. Instead focus your mind on God who will deliver you with a great deliverance.

Next, a moving forward in faith is required. The waters of … Read the rest


God knows all about sex. He talks honestly about sex-issues in the Bible. At first reading one might be shocked why such things are in the Bible. Instead of dismissing that thought, continue to think: Why has God talked about sex so much in the Bible?

This is because men and women made sex an … Read the rest


Let us see the heart of God first. He has a grieving heart which grieves over the sins of mankind. He also has a compassionate heart which longs to gather together and comfort His people like a mother comforts her children.

Now let us look at the heart of man. It is deceitful above all … Read the rest