Who Fulfills Your Desires?

Who fulfills your desires? That is the question I would like to explore.

Desires are many. And all your life you strive hard to fulfill your desires. Some happen; others don’t come to pass.. Fulfilment of desires makes you elated while desires not fulfilled disappoint.

I leave out what is plainly known to all as … Read the rest

God Who Watches Over You

“I, the Lord, watch over it” — Isaiah 27:3

Have you ever wondered if God watches over you? Let us look at Isaiah 27:2–6 to find the answer. Here God is calling Israel, his people, a fruitful vineyard. Earlier he was disappointed with it (see Isaiah 5:1–7). But now God is saying that he watches … Read the rest

The River of Life

There flows a river;
A river, a river of life.
Of its abundance
I drink deeply
Till from within my heart
Its streams, living, overflows!

Clear as a crystal
Flowing from God’s throne
And of the Lamb.
It’s a river, a river, a river
Of life-giving power
As its peaceful torrents flow.

On the banks

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Still I Am His Child

When the pain of sin
Clouds my broken heart
And shuts heaven’s light–
Amid this grave’s darkness
A pearl does shine:
“Still I am His child!”

When that beautiful vase
Slips from my hands ‘n falls,
Cracks ‘n breaks and scattered lies–
From its broken pieces
I see emerge a grand design:
“Still I am

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Even Our Failures

The good news account in Matthew’s gospel begins with a long list of names.

In this list of names there are many who failed God at some crossroad in their lives. There are blemishes in the lives of many of the people mentioned here. Even a prostitute who turned to God in faith finds mention … Read the rest

Prayer Is Conversation with God

A better understanding of prayer can help us be great communicators; for prayer is conversation with God. When Jesus taught about prayer (recorded in his famous Sermon on the Mount), he said:

“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who … Read the rest

What Does the Bible Say About Itself?

The Word of God has a unique place in God’s dealing with man. The Bible describes itself in certain ways that help us understand this unique relationship. Some of these descriptions are in word pictures. They help us to understand the special place the Bible has in the estimate of God.

For example, the Psalmist … Read the rest

What Does the Bible Mean to You?

Who Wrote the Bible?
God used chosen people to write down what he wanted them to communicate. The Spirit of God enabled these people to do so (2 Peter 1:20, 21). Even when the literary characteristics   like the style of writing, choice of words, and personality of the author is distinguishable in these writings, the … Read the rest

A New Motivation for Purity

Sinful wickedness is on the increase everyday. Through many forms of entertainment there is an open promotion of sinful attitudes in the world today.

And Christians are exposed to these things. And they are corrupting the thinking patterns of Christians.

This is a grave problem. The old ways of fighting this menace won’t help much … Read the rest

Battling Depression

The word depression immediately brings thoughts of darkness. Yes, depression can be described as absence of light. It can also be absence of joy.

When all the world seems happy and asks us to be like them we simply can’t. The sadness is increased when nobody understands what we are passing through.

They come out … Read the rest

God’s Best Music comes from Flawed Instruments  (Part 4) Inferiority Because of Feelings of Insignificance

There are many Christians who suffer because they think that they are insignificant. If you are one of those, right away, let me ask you a logical question: “Would Christ have died for you if you were insignificant?”

Can you answer this question honestly? If you can, your thoughts of insignificance would disappear immediately!

Or, … Read the rest

I am the God of Bethel

I am the God of Bethel (Genesis 31:13a NIV).

God remembers His encounters with you. He also reminds you of them. Here, Jacob is reminded of Bethel. God goes one step further and says, “I am the God of Bethel.”

Thus God was owning that experience of Himself that Jacob had at Bethel in a … Read the rest