In that day you will say: “I will praise you, O Lord. Although you were angry with me, your anger has turned away and you have comforted me” (Isaiah 12:1 NIV).
This certainly refers to a time in the future when Jesus will rule the earth from Jerusalem. But blessed is the man who can praise God today and say that God has comforted him.
Even though a man may get some peace of mind from earthly sources of comfort; it cannot be compared with the comfort that God can give.
Maybe you are one among many who have feared that the anger of the Lord might consume you. Doubts kept tossing in your mind about God’s love for you. Your past with its stains kept nagging you and you never fully enjoyed that security one feels in the love of God.
Maybe your actions had caused God to be angry with you. Maybe all this and much more is true. But the good news is that when the day comes when Jesus rules in your heart there shall be rest there. That day you’ll know that God’s anger has turned away from you. Let that day be today.
Let it be known to you that God does not leave a vacuum in your heart. He fills it with His comfort. The best thing about it is that you can long for His comfort. Even though God seems to be hiding from you now; even though your prayers seem to be reaching nowhere, do not give up hope.
A definite day is coming when He’ll no longer be angry with you. That day you’ll rally all your heart and energy to be with God. And then God will do a great thing in your life by reclaiming you as His own a second time.
Even though you were His child, this time, He’ll assure that unchangeable fact so intimately to you.
Then you’ll break forth into praise. You will sing with joy; in that day when Jesus rules in your heart!
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