
Confidence is a much talked about word in the world today. Much of it is about self-confidence. But the Bible talks about a different kind of confidence. It is God-confidence. The Bible also warns against putting your confidence in the flesh: in your tradition, in your wisdom or in your past achievements.

The Bible clearly tells us that a man whose confidence is in God is like a tree planted by the water; never failing to bear fruit. In contrast, it says that Egypt will no longer be a source of confidence to God’s people.

In a spiritual context Egypt stands for whatever worldly wisdom you trust in. But when you have confidence in God, others who do not understand that will often question you and try to discourage you by asking: “On what are you basing this confidence of yours?” Do not try to answer them, instead always remember that the Lord your God is with you.

David’s confidence was in God from his youth. He was sure that even if an army came against him and war broke out he would remain confident because the Lord was his light and salvation and the stronghold of his life. He was confident that he would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

The Bible also asks you to have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked. For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared.

Through Jesus Christ and faith in Him, you can approach God and His throne of grace with freedom and confidence to receive mercy and find grace to help you in your time of need. This is because Jesus is interceding for you in heaven and you are entering there by the blood of Jesus.

You are asked not to throw away this confidence but to continue in it. And this confidence is reflected in prayer because God hears you when you ask anything according to His will.

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