
God has given us the day to work. It begins when morning comes. It is written that His compassions never fail, they are new every morning. It is also written that weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.

The day has indeed been designed to do God’s work on earth. Jesus asked us to work during the day for the night comes when no one can work. We should take this advice seriously. For time given to us to work is very short.

Jesus also asked us to be concerned about today and not worry about tomorrow. He was practical here because He said each day has enough trouble of its own. Even when He taught to pray He said, “Give us today our daily bread.” This is great practical wisdom. Those who follow it benefit greatly from it.

The Bible also speaks of the coming of the great and dreadful Day of the Lord which will burn like a furnace; when God will fight all His enemies and triumph over them. It will be a unique day unlike any other day in human history. To wind up, here is an amazing thought: In God’s sight a thousand years are like a day that has just gone by!

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