Who Fulfills Your Desires?

Who fulfills your desires? That is the question I would like to explore.

Desires are many. And all your life you strive hard to fulfill your desires. Some happen; others don’t come to pass.. Fulfilment of desires makes you elated while desires not fulfilled disappoint.

I leave out what is plainly known to all as bad desires out of my discussion. And what remains are good desires. Who fulfills them is the question?

The Bible gives an answer to this question. It says God will “give you the desires of your heart.” Is that possible? Is God interested in your desires? The answer to both questions are an emphatic “Yes.” The Bible clearly states the promises of God can be claimed and they are “Yes” in Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20).

Then why is that many of your desires are not met? That is a good question. Let us look at God’s promise: “Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4).”

So it is plain that there is a condition on which the promise is made. You have to delight in God. Now what do you do when you delight in someone? Or to put it in perspective what does a lover do when he is engaged to a girl to be married? Does he not seek time away from others to be with his beloved because he delights in her?

Similarly, if you delight yourself in the LORD you will long to spend time with him. Reading the Bible becomes a delight, maybe a greater delight than the food you enjoy the best. Prayer stops being formal but becomes an ongoing conversation with occasional quarrels with the LORD like any normal human relationship.

Moreover, when you delight yourself in the LORD you recognize and welcome the presence and indwelling of the Holy Spirit in your life. You allow him to search and examine your heart and obey his prompts with gladness.

You start to realize that he dwells in your body and your body is his temple. So you will allow the Spirit of God to sanctify your bodily desires so that the sinful desires will lose strength and the godly desires become deep-rooted.

One more impact is that your desires will start to conform to the desires of God for your life. Then it becomes a willing obedience from your part. And thus your desires will be fulfilled because there is no conflict with what you desire and what God wills for your life. Amen.

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