The Fear of the Lord Is Wisdom

And he said to man, “The fear of the Lord–that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding” (Job 28:28 NIV).

Job here is trying to find out where wisdom can be found. He is seeking the dwelling place of understanding as well. He makes a search and ends up saying that only God understands the way to wisdom and that only God knows where it dwells.

Finally, he comes to the conclusion that the fear of the Lord is wisdom and keeping away from evil is understanding.

Wisdom and knowledge are slightly different in nature. Knowledge is gathering of information. The more you know of things the more knowledge you have. But wisdom is making a good judgment based on what you know.

Imagine that you have great knowledge of Science and Arts and Business. But if this knowledge does not lead you to fear the Lord, then you are not wise.

To fear the Lord means to give respect to God. It means to trust in the unlimited knowledge of God for God is all-knowing. And being humble enough to accept this fact is the first step to wisdom. That means you are making a good judgment of God.

But this should lead you to something else that is also very important. This wisdom should help you understand that all evil is against God. You should come to know that evil is against the nature of a holy God.

Therefore our understanding of God should lead us to keep away from evil. We should avoid it at all costs.

A true fear of the Lord will make us sensitive to His commands. It will help us to know what is evil and avoid it.

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