
But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him (Jeremiah 17:7 NIV).

Confidence is a word that is heard very much today. The world puts a great value on a confident person. They talk about self-confidence. But the Bible talks differently. It talks about God-confidence.

God Himself calls a man blessed who trusts in Him and whose confidence is in God. Such a person is compared to a tree planted by the water. That is the right environment for its growth.

Changes in climate do not cause it worry. For its roots go down deep to gather in water. This is the depth and stability of a man who has confidence in God.

On the other hand, God calls a man who trusts in man and depends on the flesh for his strength cursed. This is because he turns away from God who would have gladly sustained him and met his needs. 

The tragedy of the modern world is the same. They have turned away from God and put their confidence in men.

But the greater problem is that the Christian world is increasingly invaded and corrupted by worldly thinking. Just check your thinking patterns even as you are reading this.

Where is your confidence?

In your abilities? In your academic qualifications? In your salary? In your material possessions? In your relatives and friends? In your influence with people? You would be surprised to see that you would have said “Yes” to most of these questions, if not to all. God calls you cursed if these are the sources of your confidence.

But look at the man God calls blessed. His confidence is in God. He does not put confidence in his great tradition. Paul, in the New Testament wrote: “If anyone else thinks he has reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more. But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ” (Philippians 3:4b, 7 NIV). Paul was thus ready to give up his confidence in the flesh to put his confidence in God.

The most remarkable thing about a man whose confidence is in God is the way he is able to deal with difficult circumstances. When things go wrong and everything seems to fall apart, such a man stays calm. Instead of panicking and rushing here and there, he will dig his roots deeper and continue to bear fruit.

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