Jesus, You Know It All: I Need You!

You know it all
How I feel like a failure.

It is tough to believe
That you still love me
When others despise.

I know that your cross
Was for my sins
And you knew how I would blunder
Along the way.

If I may ask
How many second chances
Will you give
When time after time I fail?

I know there is no answer
To that question
For you did not count the sacrifice
Nor your life did you hold dear.

I trust in your blood
And its cleansing power
That it shall make white and pure
All the stains.

Jesus, LORD of all,
Shoulder my burdens
And lead me on.

I know not the next step
I have to take.
It’s all dark, and I fear.

Would you encourage me this day
With one word of yours.
Even if you remain silent
I trust that you are there.

I need you.

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