But When You Pray–the Prayer in Secret!

Prayer is in an invitation to be in a closed room with God the Father.

It is a privilege given to you–to be alone with God. It also means that God is giving you absolute attention when you pray.

A closed room means that this is a private meeting. What you talk with God is in secret. But the promise is that God will reward you openly.

You need not have fear when you are alone with God. This is simply because you are invited to pray because of your relationship with God. He is your heavenly Father.

Therefore prayer is not a duty or a burden. It is a time you experience intimacy with God. It also means that there is absolutely nothing you cannot open up before God–even things that you are ashamed of and are unable to tell anyone else!

You are also asked to close the door and pray. What does it mean? It means that you should prepare your hearts to speak to God. And practically, as much as possible, set apart a time and place, where you might not be disturbed when you pray.

Again, Jesus emphasized one element in prayer we shouldn’t miss. Those who do not know God try to make prayer a repetition of phrases, magical chants, or even use memorised words. Do not babble (talk in a foolish, excited and not understandable way) like pagans is what Jesus said.

But Jesus pointed out that the effectiveness of prayer is not in meaningless repetition. Why? He said it is because God your Father already knows what you need before you ask him.

Then what is the need of prayer? Simply that God loves to have you come and talk with him.

You might ask him many things without knowing what you actually need. The beauty of prayer is that you learn to pray by praying.

And in talking with God you realize what you actually need. For example you might want a trouble removed but what you may actually need is grace to stand up under its pressure. And you learn to say, “your will be done,” because his will has now become your will through prayer.

Finally, the absolute certainty of God listening to, and answering your prayers is made clear. Oh, there is no end to doubts when you pray. But no prayer is going to be unheard.

Therefore pray. Your Father in heaven is listening. The world prays motivated by fear. You pray because you love God and you are loved by him.

Isn’t that awesome?

Post based on Matthew 6:5–8 and 10
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