The Blood of Jesus Christ: What Does It Mean to You Today?

No man’s biographer in this world has given such an emphasis to the last week of a person’s life as the Gospel writers did to Jesus’s life. 29 out of 89 chapters (about 30%) in the gospels are devoted to the last week of Jesus’ life. John 13-19 describes sunset to sunset, the last 24 hours in the life of Jesus.

The entire Bible is focused on the death of Jesus. Therefore we find the disciples preaching Christ and him crucified along with it the message of the resurrection.

See the focus is the same for all the gospel writers:
A third of Matthew, from Matthew 21-28;
A third of Mark, from Mark 11-16;
A quarter of Luke, from Luke 19-24;
Nearly half of John, from John 12-20; focus on the last week of Jesus’ life. You cannot miss this emphasis of the gospel writers; can you?

Jesus died for you. He took your punishment upon himself on the cross. He became cursed for you. He died in your place. He died as a substitute for you. “He was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities (Isaiah 53:5). He shed his blood for you.

There are many things about the blood of Jesus you need to know. It will take a lifetime and all eternity to appreciate the preciousness of his blood. But let us start here and now.

The following benefits and applications of the blood of Jesus in your life are discussed in this brief series: