Sinful wickedness is on the increase everyday. Through many forms of entertainment there is an open promotion of sinful attitudes in the world today.
And Christians are exposed to these things. And they are corrupting the thinking patterns of Christians.
This is a grave problem. The old ways of fighting this menace won’t help much today. In the past, everyone was told, “Don’t do this. It is sin.”
Today, that kind of warnings are not helping much. The truth is that people fall prey to appealing temptations even though they know that it is wrong and sinful. And promoters are packaging sin in very attractive and colorful packets too.
In the light of all these, what new motivation for purity can a Christian have? The Bible links this directly to the hope of a Christian and to the glorious appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ: “But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope purifies himself, just as he is pure” (1 John 3:2b,3 NIV).
If you have hope of seeing Jesus when He comes, then you will naturally look forward to it. You will look ahead with longing to meet Him who gave Himself for you. It is this hope that gives you the motivation to purity.
This same truth is echoed in the Book of Titus (ch. 2 verses 11 to 14) too. There it says that the grace of God teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions. It teaches us to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.
We do so while we wait for the blessed hope--the glorious appearing of our Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. So, waiting for Jesus should be characterized by the living of a godly life.
Your motivation to purity should be the hope that you will meet Jesus one day. And you’ll be like Him one day. Therefore strive to be like Him today.
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