“I Will Repay You for the Years the Locusts Have Eaten!”

God is speaking to a people whose land was devastated by an army of locusts. Their sin and rebellion against God invited this disaster.

Yet God is promising them a restoration. He was asking them to return to him so that he could make good the promise to repay the years the locusts have eaten.

“Impossible!,” you might say. “I have wasted so many years of my life.” Yes, that is true. But you need to know that the person who is making the promise is God of your past, present, future and all eternity!

He is true to his word. But he is no magician. He works with great patience. The process of rebuilding your life will take time. You need to hope, believe, and trust in spite of all the brown barrenness that the locusts have left behind.

Green will sprout again. The deep hurts will heal. Doors of opportunities will open once more. Joy will crown your head and gladness will fill your heart.

There is no situation in your life where God cannot intervene. There might be many mistakes and failures that discourage you. A long list of rejection you faced might be haunting your mind.

But God is not limited in any way. He assures you, “I will repay you the years the locusts have eaten.”

The promise looks unbelievable. But give God a chance. And wait. There is a moment coming when God will unravel what he was doing silently in your life.

Post Inspired by Joel 2:25 Bible.

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