God Who Watches Over You

“I, the Lord, watch over it” — Isaiah 27:3

Have you ever wondered if God watches over you? Let us look at Isaiah 27:2–6 to find the answer. Here God is calling Israel, his people, a fruitful vineyard. Earlier he was disappointed with it (see Isaiah 5:1–7). But now God is saying that he watches over it.

Have you wondered whether God is angry with you? It could be that you had sinned against the Lord and even after you have repented and been washed in the blood of the Lamb, you still feel that God is angry with you. God is not condemning you (Romans 8:1). And even if he had been angry with you; now his anger has turned away (Isaiah 12:1). Therefore you can be joyous (Isaiah 12:3). Further, God says, “I am not angry (Isaiah 27:4a).”

God’s intention for you is that you be a fruitful vineyard. You will be one “in that day.” It is that day of God’s blessing that will come upon you like it is going to come to Israel. Then “Jacob will take root, Israel will bud and blossom and fill all the world with fruit (Isaiah 27:6).” God wants you to bear fruit for his glory (John 15:8).

To this end, God is watching over you like his own vineyard. He is watering it continually giving you all grace that is needed to flourish. He is guarding you day and night so that no one will harm you (Isaiah 27:3). He who watches over you will neither slumber nor sleep (Psalm 121:4).

So dear friend, do not move away from God. Be under his watchful care and eye. Do not rebel against him. But be at peace with him. He is not angry with you but wants to make you fruitful. Jesus too said the same thing. Therefore abide or remain in him and let the word of God remain in you (John 15:5, 7). Be encouraged today for God is watching over you.

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