Pleading the Blood

[The following paraphrase is taken from Bob Lamb’s Book The Overcoming Blood]

The phrase “pleading the blood” is not in the Bible. But to understand the concept let us use the phrase “appeal earnestly.” Let us take a look at that Passover night when 2.5 million Israelites walked out of 430 years of slavery in … Read the rest

You Are Sanctified Through the Blood of Jesus

Many believers are satisfied with the initial experience of forgiveness which is called “born again” (John 3:3) experience. It is like laying the foundation of a building and then forgetting all about constructing the house.

Sanctification refers to the moment by moment cleansing we all need through the blood of Jesus. Imagine you taking a … Read the rest

Be Holy, Because

“Be holy, because I, the LORD your God, am holy” (Leviticus 19:2b NIV).

First of all, we should be thankful that God has given us no less a standard than he himself. There is no doubt about this command. “Be holy,” leaves us with no doubt that this is impossible.

Then why did God issue … Read the rest

Are You Struggling with Masturbation?

You have hope. You are not a failure in God’s eyes because you are struggling with the habit of masturbation!

You’re probably reading this article because you are longing to find victory over this sinful habit. You have struggled to overcome this habit for so many years; but have failed. Each time you failed, you … Read the rest

The Blood of Jesus

We are brought near to God through the blood of Jesus alone. There is no other comfort to a Christian than the knowledge that he has been washed, cleansed and purified by the blood of the Lamb of God.

A Christian’s walk of victory is often clouded by frustration as he forgets this divine truth. … Read the rest

Protection Under Jesus’ Blood

Evil is on the increase everyday. Whether you like it or not, you are constantly being exposed to evil influences.

The different kinds of evil influences that surround you are deadly. For example, the many advertisements that you see constantly make your mind a battlefield. The colorful sights and seductive sounds that abound around you … Read the rest