Many believers are satisfied with the initial experience of forgiveness which is called “born again” (John 3:3) experience. It is like laying the foundation of a building and then forgetting all about constructing the house.
Sanctification refers to the moment by moment cleansing we all need through the blood of Jesus. Imagine you taking a walk on the road. When you come back home even though you didn’t deliberately touch any dirt, lot of dust and other matter will have accumulated in your body mixed with your sweat; isn’t it? Likewise as we live in the world do many things we happen to see and hear defile our mind and spirit.
Often this defilement discourages us. Then we need to consciously seek the cleansing through the blood of Jesus. We also need to separate ourselves from all known sin in our lives. And then there are matters that make our consciences unclean. We may not be aware of all that. Yet if we consciously seek the cleansing by the blood of Jesus he will do it.
After mentioning about the outward sanctification achieved through the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those ceremonially unclean (see Hebrews 9:13) in Old Testament Times, the writer points out the inward cleansing as well: “How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God (Hebrews 9:14).”
Again sanctification means much more. Jesus spoke about the deepest union with him that is possible. In John 6, in a space of 4 verses he speaks of us “drinking his blood.” This offended his disciples and many left him. Jewish law forbade eating of blood (Leviticus 17:10—12). But Jesus was not talking about literal drinking but the closest application of his blood in our lives. There might certainly be deeper meanings which are difficult for us to understand but possible to experience if we seek the sanctification available through his blood.
One more thought. The blood of Jesus is precious as it is innocent blood. But its power to save, to cleanse, to reconcile, to redeem, to justify, to give peace; all comes from having offered it in willing surrender and sacrifice in complete obedience to his Father’s will. Therefore sanctification also includes in it the principle of sacrificial obedience. So the more the blood of Jesus is allowed to operate in our lives the more we can experience sanctification through his blood.
Honestly, we may not understand all that this means but those who sincerely seek sanctification will experience it. This is not a one-time experience but a daily experience for a closer intimate walk with God.
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