You have hope. You are not a failure in God’s eyes because you are struggling with the habit of masturbation!
You’re probably reading this article because you are longing to find victory over this sinful habit. You have struggled to overcome this habit for so many years; but have failed. Each time you failed, you decided to quit this habit. You read the Bible more. You prayed more. You told your close friends about your decision to get over this habit.
Yet when temptation came you found it difficult to resist. You sinned time and again. And you even thought of giving up on your life because you felt so miserable.
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Let me tell you one thing. God loves you knowing all about you. He knows your struggle in this area. You can therefore be honest with him when you pray. Tell him what is that trips you. It can be the words of your friend. It can be internet pornography. It can be some dirty pictures. It can be chat or mobile phone messages. Or it can be wrong thoughts that you entertain in your mind.
Whatever it be, think about these things. Jesus shed his blood on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins including masturbation. He loves you. And he will never give up on you. Each time you ask his forgiveness, he forgives. He does not condemn you. At the same time, he wants you to lean heavily on him and learn to bring your thoughts under his control.
Why is this important? This is important because, Satan attacks your mind. He wants you to think destructive thoughts. The mind is the area where you play with sexual thoughts. Ask God to cleanse your mind and heart with the blood of Jesus continually.
Satan will always accuse you. Sometimes he succeeds in putting a sexual and sinful thought into your mind and then blame you for it. The best way to counter this is to identify the source of the thought. Satan will not stand when he is exposed. He will flee. If you have to resist the devil, you’ll have to recognize him when he comes to you like a roaring lion.
Sometimes he comes masked as an angel of light. He gives you so many reasons why acting out in masturbation your sinful sexual thoughts is Ok. He might tell you that everybody does it. He might tell you that you can do this one last time and then live in victory from the next day on. All these are lies. Call them by that name.
Now he might use yet another trick. He might get you obsessed with victory over this sinful habit. When you are so obsessed, you will try to win over this wrong habit by your own effort. And therefore each time you fail, you brood over it, feel discouraged and waste your time thinking of your defeat.
Don’t do it that way. The Bible talks of sin and failure openly. It never says that you’ll never sin. But it says that Jesus is your high priest in heaven, ever living to pray for you. He understands your struggle because he lived on earth as a human being. He was tempted. But he never sinned. So he knows the power of temptation. And he is willing to help you.
To help you, he has sent the Holy Spirit to live in your heart. He is your Helper. Seek his help. It is not the act of masturbation that is the problem. The problem is with the sinful thoughts that go along with it.
Remember that God has a plan for your life. He is a God of compassion. He loves you. Enjoy God’s great compassion towards you this day. For the Bible says: “Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22, 23).” Again the Bible declares: “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD who has compassion on you (Isaiah 54:10).
Therefore thank God for the great compassion he has towards you. Thank God for all the times you failed in this area. Ask his help to avoid situations and people who pull you into this sin. Keep yourself engaged in some good work and in helping others.
Thank God for the brokenness in your life because you have failed. God does not despise a broken heart. Thank God for the humility that has come to you because you failed. Thank God that he loves you even when you are not perfect.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13 NIV).
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