You Have Victory over Satan Through the Blood of Jesus

Revelation 12:11 speaks about our means of victory over Satan. He is called the accuser because he accuses you and me before God all the time.

“They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.”

Now several believers live in discouragement because of certain habitual sins that overtake them often. The more you try to win through your own efforts the more you fail. The more you fail the more you hear Satan whisper in your mind, “You are a failure.  You are a good for nothing. You claim to be a Christian but you sinned again.”

The best method to counter that is to accept the truth that you sinned, confess it to God, and claim your forgiveness and cleansing that comes through the blood of Jesus. See 1 John 1:7–9. Say out loud that you have victory in the blood of Jesus with conviction and confidence. The first many times Satan will try to put fear into you; but keep persisting. You will indeed overcome by the blood of the Lamb!

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