You Are Reconciled to God Through the Blood of Jesus

One of the first things that happened after Adam and Eve sinned was that the fellowship with God was immediately broken. It became impossible for holy God to be friends with man anymore. Sin had to be punished by death. That was God’s holy law.

But then God’s love began to seek man and make provision for friendship to be restored. The only means to do so was to shed innocent blood. This was done by slaying an animal as a substitute. Instead of the sinner an innocent animal died. The animal died in place of the sinner.

Once that was done it was possible for man to have fellowship with God. But this sacrifice of animals could not take away sin. It just reminded man that his sin was covered for the moment (see Hebrews 10:3, 4). A better sacrifice was needed to bring about true reconciliation between God and man. That was what happened at the Cross of Calvary.

There God’s holiness and justice; met with his love and mercy. And reconciliation happened between God and man. The Bible says, “God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them” (2 Corinthians 5:19).” Some translations say, “that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself.” Isn’t that an awe-inspiring thought?

Reconciliation means that now it is possible to have real friendship and fellowship with God. It was for this that Jesus shed his blood on the cross. When you trust that blood God welcomes you with open arms just like how the prodigal son was welcomed home by his father (see Luke 15:20). Read more on reconciliation in Colossians 1:19—22.

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