The cry of Jesus, “It is finished” should encourage us to seek to understand and experience the benefits through his shed blood on the cross. Here are a few helpful and encouraging starting points for moving into a deeper fellowship and intimacy with God through the blood of Jesus.
“Now, once again, the Lord is bringing the power of the blood to the attention of the Church. Let us honour and plead the blood of the Lamb very reverently; for through the blood we have power over all the might of the enemy. To those who, not mechanically, but in true holy reverence, plead the blood of the Lamb, there will be a restoration of all that the locust, the cankerworm, the caterpillar, and the palmerworm have eaten” – Stanley H. Frodsham [Quoted in Bob Lamb’s Book, The Overcoming Blood]
“Let the blood also cleanse you. Expect from the fellowship that follows the inner deliverance from the defilement of sin which still dwells in you. Say with the Scriptures, ‘How much more shall the blood of Christ cleanse your conscience to serve the living God [Hebrews 9:14].’
Let the blood sanctify you, separate you for God in undivided consecration, to be filled by Him. Let the pardoning, cleansing, sanctifying power of the blood have free course in you. You will discover how this brings you, as it were, automatically near to God and protects you.
Do not fear to expect that Jesus himself will reveal in you the power of the blood to bring you nigh [near] to God. The blood was shed to unite us to God. the blood has accomplished its work, and will perfect it in you. The blood has unspeakable virtue and glory in God’s sight.
The blood has irresistible power. Through the blood Jesus was raised up from the grave and carried into heaven. Be assured that the blood is able to preserve you every day in God’s presence by its divine life-giving power.” – Andrew Murray, in his book, The Power of the Blood of Jesus.
We might not understand everything about the blood of Jesus, but that need not prevent us from enjoying all its benefits:
“We do not comprehend the value of the blood; even so, we do not need to evaluate it according to our judgement. We only need to ask God to treat us in accordance with the value of the blood in His sight and the covenant which is sealed by that blood.” –Watchman Nee in his Book The Better Covenant quoted in Bob Lamb’s book The Overcoming Blood
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