Let me ask you just one thing: “When did you experience God’s love best?” Was it when everything was going fine for you or was it when you went and knelt before God seeking His forgiveness?
Easily answered. It was when you cried out to God for forgiveness that you felt the overwhelming compassion of God sweeping on in your heart like an irresistible flood.
Yes, He pours out His healing balm into our hearts when we are broken because of our sins. That is how He teaches us about His love for us. We never learn it when we are perfect and think that we are perfect. Then we have no need of God.
But when after we fall into sin; we seek His presence in tears, He never ever fails to visit us with His compassion. Every new day brings us new revelations of His love: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:23, 24 NIV).
So take heart. In spite of the sorrow over your sin, you can find comfort in the fact that you came to know Jesus’ love, mercy and compassion towards you through your failures because of falling into sin.
You repeatedly fell into the sin that entangled you and you repeatedly found that you could not exhaust His supply of mercy towards you.
That is why Jesus said: “Her many sins have been forgiven–for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little” (Luke7:47 NIV). Now you can love Him much for He has forgiven you much.
The Struggle of Young Christians against Repeated Sins (Part 1) The Struggle
The Struggle of Young Christians against Repeated Sins (Part 2) The Humanity of Jesus
The Struggle of Young Christians against Repeated Sins (Part 3) Jesus–Your High Priest in Heaven
The Struggle of Young Christians against Repeated Sins (Part 4) The Entangling Sin
The Struggle of Young Christians against Repeated Sins (Part 5) Not Alone in the Struggle
The Struggle of Young Christians against Repeated Sins (Part 6) Finding Purpose and Meaning in the Struggle
The Struggle of Young Christians against Repeated Sins (Part 8) The Power of God in Victory NOW
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