The Deception of Innocent-Looking Chat Relationship Outside Marriage

Lust deceives. You might not know it. The lack of physical or emotional intimacy in marriage can make you feel attracted to someone else other than your husband or wife. Maybe lack of appreciation or care can be a sea of petrol or gasoline waiting to be ignited by a casual physical touch, a longing look or even a smile that looks angelic.

Be warned. All this is a kind of substitution for the real relationship with your husband or wife. It takes a lot of prayer, perseverance, and love to make a marriage work. And tons of forgiveness for the many little wrongs that keep happening every day.

Honestly, it can be exciting to chat with someone other than your husband or wife. Someone in the opposite sex can easily distract you if you are not watchful. Social media provides endless opportunities for you to connect with someone other than your husband or wife. Unless you draw the line at the very outset, an innocent beginning can lead you to an adulterous relationship.

Therefore, never encourage yourself to have secretive relationships.

Never spend too much time with someone of the opposite sex talking about personal matters; especially relating to emotional disturbances or troubles in one’s solo or married sex life.

Cut down time spent on social media as much as you can. Even spending too much for scrolling through all the messages can drain away the strength you gained through Bible reading or prayer.

Be accountable to someone you trust. Open up and share your struggles. Often the first thing you do is to hide what is secretive from this person. Why? Because stolen water is sweet and food eaten in secret is delicious (Proverbs 9:17).

Today it is so easy to lie in your bedroom and connect with a married man or woman other than your husband or wife. Technology has made it possible. No one else will know.

But God sees; God knows. He calls it adultery.

If you have gone far already, take a bold step to cut off that relationship. Confess to God and repent of your sin.

Do not worry about consequences of cutting off the wrong relationship. God will see to it. He will protect you from the harm you seem to fear.

Show courage to step out of the deception. Even if it is simply chatting alone, in God’s eyes sinful talk is equivalent to a live-in relationship.

Sin deceives. It destroys. It kills.

If you are comfortable being self-righteous and finding fault with the other person for your own sinfulness; you are sitting on the edge of a cliff and ready to crash down to the rocks below where the waves hit.

Act now. Confess. Repent. Cut off that wrong relationship. Get right with God and with your husband or wife.

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