The Struggle of Young Christians against Repeated Sins (Part 3) Jesus–Your High Priest in Heaven

It was exactly to help you that Jesus came. As long as you accept that you have a need He is there to help you. That is why He said: “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick” (Matthew 9:12, Mark 2:17, Luke 5:31 NIV).

So just let Jesus know that you’re sick living in sin. He will help you.

But to understand how He is able to help you, you need to look at the present work of Jesus Christ. He is now in heaven as the Son of God though He was a human being on earth. He is there as a great high priest.

Now in Old Testament days, the high priest and other priests were the bridge between the Israelites and God. Nobody could then approach God without coming through the priest.

Likewise now Jesus is your high priest in heaven; your bridge to draw near to God. But with a big difference.

He is able to sympathize with your weaknesses because just like us he was tempted in every way while He was on earth. Yet He never sinned. That makes the ultimate difference!

Now think for a moment. When you approach God in prayer, Jesus intercedes for you. He tells God how exactly you are suffering because of your temptation because He had passed through it.

So God encourages you to approach His throne of grace with confidence. This confidence is because Jesus sympathizes with you and is able to save you completely.

Then you will find mercy from God and also grace that will help you in your time of need. That time is now. So reach out to God now and He will draw near to you. (Ref. Hebrews 4:14-16, 7:24-26 NIV).

The Struggle of Young Christians against Repeated Sins (Part 1) The Struggle
The Struggle of Young Christians against Repeated Sins (Part 2) The Humanity of Jesus
The Struggle of Young Christians against Repeated Sins (Part 4) The Entangling Sin
The Struggle of Young Christians against Repeated Sins (Part 5) Not Alone in the Struggle
The Struggle of Young Christians against Repeated Sins (Part 6) Finding Purpose and Meaning in the Struggle
The Struggle of Young Christians against Repeated Sins (Part 7) Finding Mercy in the Midst of Struggle
The Struggle of Young Christians against Repeated Sins (Part 8) The Power of God in Victory NOW
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