We Do Not Look to Jesus Because

We do not look to Jesus because his sinless perfection makes us uncomfortable in his holy presence.

We do not look to Jesus because the “I” in me is demanding to be crowned and fighting to rule my life.

We do not look to Jesus because so many of our friends do not consider him … Read the rest

Do You Allow God to Examine You?

But the one who examines me is the Lord (1 Corinthians 4:4b NASB).

Each one of us should live our lives with this truth dominating our minds.

For we are subject to examination every day of our lives. Others judge us constantly. Sometimes they praise us; sometimes they criticise us. There could be elements of … Read the rest

For Children: Utilize Your Time Wisely

Time Is Precious
If time is wasted, there is no way to get it back. Those who have succeeded in life are those who made the best utilization of time.

Your childhood and youth are the best times of your life. You can make best use of time by following some simple principles.

Make … Read the rest

Have You Seen Real Angels?

During Christmas celebrations at schools and churches, we often see many young children dressed up as angels in bright and shining clothes and waiting in the wings behind stage. The very spectacle reminds us of the first Christmas when angels played key roles in the unfolding drama.

Many wonder who the angels really are? Angels … Read the rest

What Matters Most in Marital Relationships!

If someone asks you what matters most in marital relationships, you will probably say, “Love,” “Trust,” “Faithfulness,” “Finance,” “Intimacy,” and so on. All these are true and have their own importance.

But what about “communication?” Failure in many a marriage can be traced to lack of proper communication:

It is not just about avoiding conflicts.… Read the rest

Are You Irreparable?

You might have sung this song at least once:

Have Thine own way Lord
Have Thine own way
Thou art the potter I am the clay
Mold me and make me after Thy will
While I am waiting yielded and still.*

This image of the Potter and the clay comes from a lesson God taught … Read the rest

They Are More than Just Names!

“Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah”; so begins the not usually read and thought to be boring account of names in the book of 1 Chronicles.
Are they just names?

Let us look at some of them:

Adam. You cannot read that name and not think about God and creation, … Read the rest

“Why This Waste?”

“Why this waste (Matthew 26:8)?” That was man’s estimate of love lavished on Jesus. But Jesus valued that act of love which made that woman pour perfume on his head.

We need more people with this kind of a give it all attitude. We need more believers who will not count the cost but sacrifice … Read the rest

What Have You Left to Follow Jesus?

Jesus is always ready to answer tough and probing questions. He had already told his disciples about his coming death. And then when a chance came, Peter asked Jesus, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will be there for us (Matthew 19:27)?”

Jesus did not find that question offensive!

Secondly, he answered … Read the rest

Look and Live!

Look and live! Can anything be more simple than this?

In answer to Moses’ prayer, God asked him to make a serpent and put it on a pole. So any one of the impatient, grumbling, fault-finding Israelites bitten by venomous snakes can look at it and live!

There was nothing magical in the bronze serpent. … Read the rest

Is Egypt Still in Your Heart?

You can come out of Egypt. But it is real hard to get Egypt out of your heart.

The Israelites were delivered from the slavery of Egypt by the mighty hand of the LORD and by observing the Passover. They were protected by the blood and later the Red Sea parted to open for them … Read the rest

Do You Know This Jesus?

Immanuel. God with us (Matthew 1:23).

Jesus is God with us. His birth brought God near to us. A holy God shook hands with sinners, visited their homes and ate with them.

He attended weddings as well as funerals. He blessed weddings with his abundance and disrupted funerals with life-gifting power.

He was a doctor … Read the rest

Why the Need for Repetitiveness in Worship?

I have never understood why there is such a detailed and repetitive description of offerings made at the anointing of the altar and its dedication when the tabernacle was set up (see Numbers 7:10–88). But there must be a purpose in all that the Spirit of God has recorded in Scripture.

First and foremost it … Read the rest

666. The Mark of the Beast!

666. The Mark of the Beast!

Perhaps nothing else holds such fascination in the minds of believers and non-believers alike in these last days.
The first thing to note is that the beast or false prophet decieves the people of this earth (Rev. 13:14). This he is able to accomplish because of the signs he … Read the rest