6. The Promise

In Old Testament times the Holy Spirit came upon Judges, Priests, Prophets and Kings to enable them to perform what God had called them to do. In other words the indwelling of the Spirit of God was reserved for special people.

Then, there came a time when Israel ceased to be a nation and no … Read the rest

5. A New Relationship

Think about this: Who else in this world dares to call God “Father” except Christians? No one else!

How has this been made possible? One, it is the right given to those who believe in Jesus to be called children of God (John 1:12, 1 John 3:1). But that is only the first half of … Read the rest

3. Our Helper in Prayer

You go to meet the CEO of a big Multinational Corporation. You are to present before him an ambitious project of yours. You meet his secretary first. You brief her about your project and seeks her assistance in fixing up an appointment with the boss.

As you are inside his office you start explaining. But … Read the rest

2. Our Teacher

Jesus taught much during His lifetime. Even then the disciples had difficulty understanding all He said. When Jesus left this earth, He told His disciples that He had much more to say.

But the problem was that the disciples were not capable of receiving them then: “I have much more to say to you, more … Read the rest

1. You Are Not Alone

In the past, you might have got strength from God’s promise: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5b NIV). But have you ever thought how this promise becomes real in your life?

The promise becoming real can be understood thus: Someone gives you a gift voucher. As long as you … Read the rest

Meet the Holy Spirit


The Bible does not introduce God. Instead it begins with God. Probably it is a human tendency to introduce everybody properly.

God, on the other hand, needs no introduction. Instead, the Bible begins with the focus on His active involvement in creation. And in the second verse, we read: “And the Spirit of God … Read the rest

Return to the LORD

Backsliding is a reality in many Christian lives. Those who had started their walk in Christ with great enthusiasm soon grow cold in their hearts. When difficulties confront them they find it easy to go back to their old ways of life.

Sometimes lack of encouragement from friends can cause a person to neglect God. … Read the rest


God knows all about sex. He talks honestly about sex-issues in the Bible. At first reading one might be shocked why such things are in the Bible. Instead of dismissing that thought, continue to think: Why has God talked about sex so much in the Bible?

This is because men and women made sex an … Read the rest

The Holy Spirit @ Christmas Time

We cannot forget the Spirit of God during Christmas. Without the Spirit of God no Christmas is possible!

Usually we tend to celebrate all the lesser things during Christmas. While we forget to adore the loving Holy Spirit, gently yet full of power working the will of God and bringing it to fruition during the

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The Theme of Light

Christmas stars, candle lights, serial lights and many other decorative lights are a feast to the eyes during Christmas season. We grow up seeing them every Christmas. They have become part of our lives every year end. Without them Christmas may not be so bright for us.

So what makes them special? In fact, what

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Stages of Christian Growth

Like a newborn child grows day by day, a born again person is also like a child growing in the life of faith. Here are different stages of a Christian’s walk of faith. These stages may not happen exactly in the order described below. But it might help in understanding the changes that can happen … Read the rest

What Shall I do, Lord?

Saul asked this question as soon as he got the answer to his previous question: “Who are you, Lord?” (Acts 22:8). The answer was: “I am Jesus of Nazareth.”

If you know for sure that the person with whom you had an encounter in life is Jesus, then the next question to ask is: “What Read the rest

Seek Me and Live

There is only One who can make this claim. If you seek Him; you will live.

If you need to know life to the fullest, then you must focus on seeking God. But this seeking does not come easy. There are many voices calling out to you to give them your attention. In this clash

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Are You Complacent?

One dictionary defines complacency as: “A feeling of satisfaction with yourself or with a situation, so that you do not think any change is necessary; the state of being complacent1.”

This sin of complacency is what destroyed the Israelites from enjoying the fullness of the Promised Land of Canaan. Joshua asked this question to them: … Read the rest