What Have You Left to Follow Jesus?

Jesus is always ready to answer tough and probing questions. He had already told his disciples about his coming death. And then when a chance came, Peter asked Jesus, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will be there for us (Matthew 19:27)?”

Jesus did not find that question offensive!

Secondly, he answered with a bigger picture. The disciples possibly could not think beyond earthly returns. But Jesus compelled them to think of future and eternity. Therefore know that for all your questions and doubts there is an answer on a bigger canvas than you can imagine when God answers them!

Then, Jesus promised a hundred fold return for all that was left to follow him. Here is a great thought. God does not forget any sacrifice you make for him and his kingdom. That in itself should encourage you. But Jesus goes beyond that. He says you will be more than compensated by the body of believers everywhere as they show you hospitality, love and give generously to you.

Again, he reassures them saying that they will receive eternal life. That is more than all that they have forsaken. Have you ever wondered the what the glories of eternal life would be?

Then there is that last thought on reversal. Jesus said that many who are first will be last. And many who are last will be first. What does it mean? Simply our eyes cannot see how God values things. Those who have left all to follow Jesus may find themselves fools in the eyes of many in this world. But a day is coming when God will showcase such as his “treasured possession (Malachi 3:17).”

What have you left to follow Jesus?