“But that night they caught nothing (John 21:3).”
The risen Lord chose a moment of the disciples’ failure to reveal himself. There are moments when our experience and expertise fails. It was so for those experienced fishermen of Galilee that night.
Now the best part of the incident is that Jesus is still the loving Saviour watching over his own. He knows what has caused you to go out fishing or whatever you are now doing.
He knows it my friend. But he is watching over you even though you do not know it.
The second thought is that the risen Lord had a plan of restoration. He does not want his own to remain in a place of failure. Imagine how aimless their life would have moved forward had not Jesus met them this way?
My friend do not believe the lie that God has no more to do with your life because you failed God. His plan is to restore you to usefulness.
The third thought is that the Lord uses reminders to bring you to a place where you will listen to him. The command to throw their nets on the right side might have reminded them of how three and a half years ago after a hard night’s toil they had caught nothing. And at Jesus’ word they caught a great number of fish (see Luke 5:1–11).
The risen Lord can speak and show you that he is still the Lord of resources and is able to meet any lack caused by your failure. The catch of fish made John recognize Jesus for he said to Peter, “It is the Lord (John 21:7).”
The next thought is that the risen Lord prepared a breakfast for those tired disciples who came in wet and cold that early morning. Here, I would say that Jesus was more human than divine. This is the only place on record that Jesus hosted a breakfast.
What love! I love this moment. My heart warms up to this practical aspect of his tender love. The risen Lord is inviting you who have failed him, “Come and have breakfast (v. 12).”
Finally, when the risen Lord reveals himself to you, you will know. There is that compelling power of his tender love, the all-knowing and soul-searching look, and the holiness of God that makes you know you are standing in front of kingly majesty.
Ah, this incident is not about miracles, but about the risen Lord. Do not dare to say no when he invites you to “Come and eat!”
“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13).
“I Have Seen the Lord!”
Will You Fail Him Again?
Had Hoped! Is Hope Over?
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