“Follow Me!”

Have you ever wondered what the risen Lord would tell you if he meets with you today? He would say “Follow me!”
He said that to Peter twice in rapid succession (see John 21:19 and 22). To Peter the call was very clear. He was to follow his Master to death. Legends say Peter was crucified upside down on a cross.

From the passage it is very clear that the risen Lord deals with each person individually. His plan for Peter will differ from that of John and his plan for Martha will differ from that of Mary. Whoever you are, do not compare your calling to someone else’s calling. That is why when Peter raised a question about John, Jesus answered like this, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.”

In today’s world the call of the risen Lord Jesus, “Follow me” is of great significance. Any other focus you have can disappoint you. Your friends can grow cold in their walk with God. Christian leaders whom you look up to might behave in ungodly ways. If you do not want such things to pull you down follow the risen Lord; and him alone.
When you follow the risen Lord, you can expect him to lead you to places and situations he himself has passed through. He knows the way. And you will find him and his grace sufficient for all your needs (2 Cor. 12:9).

Losing your focus on Jesus is quite easy these days. For example, you simply cannot spend two hours chatting on social media and expect to follow Jesus. The question is not whether spending that much time on social media is right or wrong. The more important thing is that it takes away your thirst for God, it prevents you from hungering after God’s Word and puts you to sleep like Samson in Delilah’s lap. He woke up thinking he still was that very strong person he was. But the Bible sadly records, “But he did not know that the LORD had left him (Judges 16:20).”

So each day, unless you avoid all that turns your focus away from Jesus there is no chance you will remain faithful to him till the end. The world is constantly hitting us with its ungodly values, influences, sexual freedom which is sinful in God’s eyes, and materialism which is taking away the spiritual strength of God’s people.

If you really have seen and known the risen Lord; then when he tells you, “Follow me”; respond by saying,

“When my way growth drear
Precious Lord, linger near
When my light is almost gone
Hear my cry, hear my call
Hold my hand lest I fall
Take my hand, Precious Lord,
Lead me on”*

*Sung by Jim Reeves

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