“I Have Seen the Lord!”

News it was! If she went running and reported to the disciples the first time that the tomb was empty; this time she went with the news, “I have seen the Lord (John 20:18).”

It tells us the fact that the good news is a natural response and outcome of a personal meeting with the risen Lord. He was dead but is now alive forever more (Rev. 1:18). If you have met him personally, you cannot but share this news.

Again, it was a joyous news. Death had given way to life, tragedy to ecstasy, despair to hope, and darkness to light. Moreover, Mary discovered in the risen Lord the same compassion and care which he had showed earlier when he drove from her seven demons (Mark 16:9).. He still called her by name, “Mary.” You are remembered by your name by the risen Lord. In fact, Mary recognized Jesus when he called her by name.

Yet again, the news of the resurrection is special because it is an eyewitness account. Mary was talking about her personal encounter with the risen Jesus. If that personal touch is not there in your relationship with Jesus, your testimony will not impact others. Others can easily know whether you speak from.a personal experience with Jesus or not.

Finally, it is amazing that Jesus gave the chance to Mary to carry the news and to be the first witness of his resurrection. In those days it is said that a woman’s testimony was not considered as valid in court. Yet Jesus entrusted her to bear the news. But the disciples did not believe the news (Mark 16:11). Yet that was not Mary’s fault. Even if you or me were in that group, we might not have believed either.

One thing that stands out about Mary is that it was love for Jesus that made her stay at the tomb and weep; even when everybody had left. Your love for God too will never go unnoticed.

Well, we cannot conclude without looking at one more word: “Go (John 17).” When you have met Jesus, his next command is, “Go and tell.” You will joyfully obey if you have indeed meet the risen Christ!

The [Empty] Tomb of Jesus!
This Same Jesus Will Come Back
“Follow Me!”
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Resurrection Series
Manna–Inspiring OT Daily Devotions Complete List!
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Everlasting Love–Some Inspiring Posts for You to Read

Witness’ account is one of the pillars of judicial system in dispute resolution across the world. It’s based on the human instinct that one cannot hide but will speak out what he/she has seen himself/herself and uphold justice.

Will you testify to Jesus’ resurrection?