Dashed Hopes and Dead Ends!

Jerusalem was where Jesus was crucified. Two disciples made their way to Emmaus on Sunday evening after the crucifixion. The seven mile journey was long, but more lonely that day as they were sad and their faces downcast.

The risen Lord drew near to them, talked with them and walked along with them. He does that even today as you walk away from Jerusalem. Here Jerusalem stands for dashed hopes and dead ends. Jerusalem was once the place of their greatest hope; hope of a restored kingdom where the Messiah Jesus will reign. But that became in their own words past tense, “but we had hoped ( Luke 24:21).”

Jesus comes near to you as you walk away from Jerusalem. Your hope about how Jesus will act in your life situation might have been shattered. But still you are talking about him! If so, yes if he is the subject of your thoughts and discussion, he will draw near to you.

Perhaps he will not reveal himself to you at once. But will try to remind you how the resurrection is what the Scriptures point to. He may even show intentions of walking further than your destination.

But if you invite him, he will come and make himself known to you. It can be through as simple an act as the breaking of the bread or in some other homely way so as to make you recognize him unmistakably.

Isn’t that what you need my friend right now? Then there is news for you. God is gifting you the power of the resurrection–the assurance of his living presence with you. It gives you the great urge to go back to your Jerusalem. And tell your waiting friends that the resurrection has changed the gloom of your situations; whatever that might be.

That is why the two “got up and returned at once to Jerusalem (Luke 24:33).” Would you like to revisit the place of your heartbreaks? If so, do it in the power of the resurrection you experienced. Now what is that all about? It is simply a meeting with the risen Lord and Saviour Jesus that changes the way you look at your life situations!

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Do you expect your friend to come and attend your wedding without being invited? No? He/she needs an invitation from you however close he/she is to you.

Hope in God Will Be Your Strength