Are you a true believer? Have you really experienced the resurrection? If so, your heart will be set on things above. Your focus and obsession will not be on earthly things (see Colossians 3:1–4).
We are called to see what is the exalted position of Jesus in heaven. We are also called to understand that we too are raised with Christ. A true believer therefore thinks from heaven’s viewpoint all the time.
Several times, especially in John’s gospel, Jesus contrasted between earthly things and heavenly things. The resurrection experience becomes more and more real to you and me as we know more and more of our oneness with Jesus in his death, burial and resurrection.
Just think about your thoughts. How much time does it focus on Jesus the risen Lord during the day. It is so easy to allow ourselves to be fully immersed in routines, habits, anxieties, worries, and pressures of daily living. But if resurrection is real in your life, you know that your life is hidden with Christ in God. And that realisation will change the way you think, act, and behave.
Why? Because you died. Yes, a Christian life means you constantly die to your sinful attitudes, ungodly decisions, selfish ambitions, worldly desires and replace them with heavenly thoughts. Even while you live in the world always be dominated by your view from heaven where Christ is seated.
My friend, there are two modes of thinking possible: Earthly and heavenly. Next time you are troubled by your thoughts, pause and think. Ask yourself, “What mode is my thinking right now: Is it earthly or heavenly?” If earthly, seek God’s help to switch to heavenly mode.
When you learn to think from up above you are able to see things through God’s eyes. The result is peace!
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Resurrection Series
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Everlasting Love–Some Inspiring Posts for You to Read
A Christian life means you constantly die to your sinful attitudes, ungodly decisions, selfish ambitions, worldly desires and replace them with heavenly thoughts.