“For I know that you are looking for Jesus (Matthew 28:5).”
The resurrection message is for those who are looking for Jesus! The women could have easily stayed at home that morning. Like how the disciples did. But their coming to the tomb was the expression of a deliberate attempt to look for Jesus.
How deliberate is your attempt to seek Jesus?
Secondly, they not only were intent on coming to look for Jesus they came prepared. They had bought spices to anoint the body of Jesus (Mark 16:1, Luke 24:1). Their love for Jesus was strong. The events in the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life happened so quickly they got no chance to express their love and devotion to him. So they went home and prepared spices and perfumes Friday evening and rested on the Sabbath (Luke 23:56).
Is your love for Jesus strong enough to make preparations to seek him?
As they sought Jesus, the angel told them, “you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.” What does that mean? It underlies the fact that resurrection could not have happened without the death of Jesus. That is history, fact, and truth. But the news is, “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said (Matthew 28:6).” Luke adds this question, “Why do you look for the living among the dead (Luke 24:5)?”
Where do you seek Jesus? Oh, how it saddens the heart of God when millions still keep him nailed to the cross in their hearts. He is risen! If you seek him, seek the One who is alive for ever and ever!
The angels therefore corrected the women and pointed them to the fact that the tomb is not the resting place for believers. Instead it is a place that they leave empty just like Jesus did.
My friend, resurrection will seem like nonsense (see Luke 24:11) if you think and believe that Jesus is still in the tomb. May the truth, the reality and the explosive power of the resurrection grip you even as you seek the living Jesus now! Amen!
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A Stone Rolled Away!
A Great Message of the Resurrection–“And Peter!”
Why Didn’t Angels Sing at the Resurrection?
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Everlasting Love–Some Inspiring Posts for You to Read
How much do you love Jesus? Rest depends on that.