“My Brothers!” Jesus and Me Are in the Same Family!

The resurrection suddenly created a new family. Look at what Jesus told Mary Magdalene: “Go … to my brothers and tell them.” Well, Jesus had earlier called them friends. But now he calls them brothers.

When did Jesus call them brothers? Was it after they became perfect? No, not at all. They were cowards who deserted Jesus when he needed their presence and support the most. Yet the Risen Jesus called them, “My brothers.”

My friend, isn’t it time to move one step closer to God? You are a brother or sister to Jesus. Not because you are perfect. But God in his grace is calling you to be part of his family.

Then look at his message to the disciples: “I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God (John 20:17).” Here Jesus is telling us that through him our relationship with God has changed. Jesus is saying that you now can approach God with the same confidence and freedom he has with God. Why? Because we are now God’s family (Hebrews 2:11). Therefore Jesus is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters (Hebrews 2:12).

You miss the joy of resurrection if you do not experience this welcome of God into his family. Why not call God “Abba Father!” You need no introduction because the blood of your elder brother Jesus Christ has already opened the way for you into God’s presence. Who will not walk in when such a big brother is there with you?

Resurrection therefore is celebrating your entry into God’s loving family. Are you in?

Will You Fail Him Again?
Had Hoped! Is Hope Over?
Jesus! He Is God!
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Everlasting Love–Some Inspiring Posts for You to Read

Dictionary says that a friend is a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection. And a brother is one who is of the same parents. What a transition, in our relationship with Jesus, the resurrection has effected!