Jesus said, “there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of over one sinner repents (Luke 15:10).” Yet the angels who sang at the birth of Jesus did not sing at the resurrection. I just had this thought listening to an Easter concert in Church.
It is true that the angels did not sing like how they did at Christmas. It is so because we are the ones who has to lead the singing now. Angels cannot take the lead. The blood of Jesus was shed for you and me. It is we who know the true joy of salvation. Angels can never sing that note the way only those washed by the blood of the Lamb can.
Do you sing? The question is not whether you are a talented singer or do you sing in a choir? But the question is whether your heart is full of gratitude to Jesus for shedding his blood on the cross for you? If your heart is thankful to Jesus for his sacrifice on the cross it will have a song. You will make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks (Ephesians 5:19, 20).
Of course, angels and heavenly creatures sing. Just look at Revelation 5:9–14 at the thundering worship they offer in heaven.
But they did not sing at the resurrection like how they did at Christmas. It clearly is a call to you to sing to the Lord a new song only you can sing (Psalms 96:1, 98:1).
The absence of song in your life can be due to lack of joy. Life’s troubles, sorrows, and worries usually choke out the joy in you. If so ask the Lord of joy to give you an outbreak of joy in your life.
The absence of song in your life can be due to sin in your life. If so, confess your sin truthfully to God (Psalm 145:18). Tell him your sin without trying to find excuses for it. And ask him to cleanse you with his precious blood.
The absence of song in your life can be due to an unthankful heart. Have you ever seriously thought on the kind of humiliation, mockery, insults and ridicule that Jesus went through for you. Just read Mark 15:16–20, 29–32). Can you remain unmoved? Are you not thankful that Jesus endured the cross, scorning its shame for seeing the joy of your salvation (see Hebrews 12:2).
I don’t know if what I say next is theologically correct. But let me say it. If you don’t have a song in your heart, then the music in heaven will be imperfect.
In simpler words, oh how much the heart of Jesus will swell with joy at your imperfect song now than all the songs of angels in heaven!
Will you sing to Jesus today, my friend? If not, is sin keeping you from singing? May God restore to you joy and the sound of singing. Amen!
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Music is there in the Bible and much of it is contained in the Psalms. The word “psalm” comes the Greek word meaning “to sing, to strike lyre”.
There are several verses in the Bible that emphasis the importance of music and singing. See a few of them:
Psalm 95
Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord;
let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Ephesians 5:19
Speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord
Hebrews 2:12
He says,
“I will declare your name to my brothers and sisters;
in the assembly I will sing your praises.”
Psalm 71:23
My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you— I whom you have delivered.
Psalm 105:2
Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts.
Psalm 101:1
1 I will sing of your love and justice; to you, LORD, I will sing praise.