For as in the day of Midian’s defeat, you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor (Isaiah 9:4 NIV).
May the reading of this bring you hope. For what God did in the past, He will do again for you. Here the prophet speaks about the increase of joy for the people. The reason is cited here. The rod of the oppressor was shattered.
Maybe Satan had been tormenting you and keeping you in bondage. This day the Lord proclaims freedom to you as He is breaking your yoke; the burden that you’ve been bearing all these years.
Here Midian’s defeat is specifically mentioned. It happened in the days of Gideon. The Midianites had been cruelly oppressing the people of Israel for seven years; looting and plundering them.
And they cried out to God. But it was their sinfulness that led them to be in such bondage. Even then God heard their cry. Even today, God hears your cry.
Midian’s defeat is important again because God used a fearful man, Gideon, to defeat them. He was a man who needed to be constantly encouraged to do so. God did it.
God encouraged him time and again. This day God is encouraging you. He will shatter what has been defeating you.
Another element in the victory is that God used only few men to accomplish that great victory. He did not want His people to trust in their resources or strength; but wanted them to rely on Him to achieve victory.
So do not try to rely on your strength; but trust in God who is mighty to save you with a mighty deliverance. This is the day you’ve been waiting for all these years. The burden is being lifted; the yoke is being shattered.
Rejoice in the victory that your God alone can give. He is doing it now!
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