Call to Me

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3 NIV).

This message came to Prophet Jeremiah while he was still imprisoned. This came in response to his earlier prayer. God was speaking to him the second time.

Surely this message was important. It talked about the restoration of the Jewish people in times to come. The message was of double significance because at that point of time the Jewish nation was in total decline and ruin.

But what meaning has this message for us today? As we look upon it from our point of view, we can find great comfort in it. This is because here we find someone to whom we can pray to. God Himself is encouraging us to pray. So there need be no doubt in our minds as to whom to turn to for help in times of our greatest need.

Again, we find comfort in the fact that, God not only hears prayer but also answers them. He Himself promised to do so. So we need not waver when we pray. There is no uncertainty here. Prayer is not an exercise in futility. It will yield results. God Himself will answer.

Finally, we find comfort in the fact that God knows the things that we do not know. He is willing to reveal them to us in response to our prayer. Whatever is for our benefit, whatever insight that will give us hope, whatever encouragement we need to move on, will be granted to us.

Our finite minds will be opened to receive wisdom from the infinite mind of God. Therefore let us call to Him. He will answer us. He will tell us all we need to know. Such things are not made known otherwise!

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