A Curse on Him Who Is Lax

A curse on him who is lax in doing the Lord’s work! A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed! (Jeremiah 48:10 NIV).

The context here is God’s command of the destruction of the Moabites. That is why there is mention of bloodshed. The command is so important that God has put a curse on the one who does not carry it out with diligence.

This verse gives us a glimpse on the utmost importance God gives to His work on earth. We are engaged in doing the Lord’s work! And it has to be done with great care and with much prayerful effort. We cannot relax until the work is done.

Our work now does not involve the sword or bloodshed. But it involves the spread of the “sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” It involves the proclamation of God’s message of salvation to all the peoples of the world. It involves bringing the peace of God to men and making peace between man and man.

God is here calling our attention to the attitude we have towards the Lord’s work. We need to meditate on the careful ways in which we go about doing our own work and business. Do we show the same diligence and the same zeal in carrying out the Lord’s work?

To carry out His vengeance on the Moabites mention is made of a weapon in the form of a sword. To do His work now God has given to each one of us some grace, some gift, some talent or some ability. It has to be used for His glory. The sword can be used or it can be kept unused in a scabbard. If left unused, the curse shall fall!

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