God’s Mercy and Free Pardon

Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon (Isaiah 55:7 NIV).

With God, there is compromise with sin and wickedness. According to His eternal laws, those who sin earn its wages; that is death. The punishment of wickedness will certainly come to those who practice it, sooner or later. There is no escape.

Yet God is merciful. He has not left you without options to change. You can change by His grace. For that you need to forsake your wicked way. That means you have to give it up. It is not easy. For it is written that “wickedness will not release those who practice it” (Ecclesiastes 8:8z).

But forsaking wickedness is the only way forward. Even if you have to endure a great struggle in your soul; determine to forsake your wicked way. And also stop feeding your mind with evil thoughts; for they breed evil deeds.

What next? Turn to the Lord. Even after you give up evil, the deeds of the past, and its guilt will come to haunt you. No detergent of the world will cleanse you of its filth; no medicine of this world will give you relief from its stinging stabs.

No amount of good deeds done to compensate for crimes committed would give you peace of mind. But there is hope, in God. Turn to Him.

With Him, there is pardon. He will freely pardon you. You will have peace with God. Though you will live amidst the mess you’ve created; you will still live a blessed life for God’s peace and favor will overshadow you.

Know that however far you think you are from God; you are never out of range of God’s pardon.

More Manna:

Cast Your Bread upon the Waters

If I Had Cherished Sin in My Heart

Forget the Former Things