My Word, Will Not Return to Me Empty

As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it (Isaiah 55:10,11 NIV).

There is power, purpose, and productivity with God’s word.

If any doubt exists about its power, just get out of your room and look around at nature, the skies and the stars when it is night. It all came to exist at His word. He spoke and they came to exist. This is the power of His word.

Is there any other power in this world comparable to His word? There is not. All those power sources of this world; natural, nuclear, renewable or non-renewable; all came to exist at His word. Yes, there is unmatched power in God’s word!

Then there is purpose and productivity in His word. God Himself compares His word to the rain and the snow He sends down from heaven. Wherever it comes down, there is transformation.

The brown dry crusts of mud yield to the work of these heavenly messengers. A process is set into motion. And the change is beautiful, refreshing, clean, green and healthy. Then there are buds and blossoms and seeds and fruit.

Those who toil get more to sow again. And those who enjoy the fruit of their labor get plenty to eat. Similarly God’s word does a work of transformation in the lives of those who are touched by it.

It also multiplies its fruit in and through their lives. Yes, there is purpose and productivity in God’s word.

The best comfort is that God has endorsed His word by proclaiming that it will accomplish all that He desires. He says that it will achieve the purpose for which it has been sent. He declares that His word that goes out of His mouth will not return to Him empty.

Therefore those who carry His word and proclaim it; fight all discouragement. You are bearers of God’s word. It cannot fail; it never will, for God has decreed that it will fulfill its purpose and it will not return empty.

Therefore be not discouraged; for you have never seen the earth remain barren after the rains; have you? So be encouraged; every good purpose with which you proclaimed and sent forth God’s word will surely bear multiplied fruit!

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