Biblical Financial Guidelines

BFG #1:

Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow (Proverbs 13:11).

Small drops make a big ocean. Likewise honest money deposited in small amounts can become a big amount when you need it most.

BFG #2:

Do not wear yourself out to get rich (Proverbs 23:4).


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Character Signatures

Character Signatures are a special kind of patterns. They are insights found in the New Testament on the life and character of Old Testament men and women of God. These glimpses into their lives give us a more accurate picture of what gave their lives such significance and impact.

Character Signatures have a right to … Read the rest

Mirror Patterns

There are certain patterns in the Bible that are unmistakable mirror images of each other. By looking closely at such instances in the Bible, we can learn much about how our lives are impacted by certain powerful spiritual prinicples.

In some Mirror Patterns you might be able to find a process in operation if you … Read the rest

Patterns from the Bible

As we read the Bible, we come across patterns. Patterns become recognizable when a reader sees a spiritual truth that is stated in one part of the Bible being repeated in a similar fashion in yet another portion of the Bible.

The very fact that God has said something twice means that He wants us … Read the rest

Restore to God the Honor Due His Name

The great sin of modern Christianity is not making idols. But it is the great sin of reducing God’s honor to the dust. It is true that grace came through Jesus Christ. But that is not a license to preach blessings without preaching man’s responsibility to live in obedience to God and His commandments.


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The Feast!

When you are invited to any home, usually the host gives you a meal. On special occasions the host gives you a feast. Now Jesus has extended you His invitation. When you accept this invitation, you are accepting Him into your life. Then He invites you home!

Since God rejoices in your salvation and since … Read the rest

Slaying in the Spirit

What the Bible Says About It

In many Christian meetings today, we find people falling down when they are touched or prayed over by men of God. They claim that it is the power of God’s Spirit coming upon them that causes them to fall down. The question is, “Is that claim valid?”The purpose of
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Five Lane Bible Reading Program


The Bible was written by around 40 authors over a period of 1600 years spanning from around 1500 B.C to around 100 A.D These people were all inspired by the Holy Spirit to write though they wrote in different times and in different circumstances. The following scriptures make this point clear:

All Scripture is … Read the rest

6. The Promise

In Old Testament times the Holy Spirit came upon Judges, Priests, Prophets and Kings to enable them to perform what God had called them to do. In other words the indwelling of the Spirit of God was reserved for special people.

Then, there came a time when Israel ceased to be a nation and no … Read the rest

5. A New Relationship

Think about this: Who else in this world dares to call God “Father” except Christians? No one else!

How has this been made possible? One, it is the right given to those who believe in Jesus to be called children of God (John 1:12, 1 John 3:1). But that is only the first half of … Read the rest

3. Our Helper in Prayer

You go to meet the CEO of a big Multinational Corporation. You are to present before him an ambitious project of yours. You meet his secretary first. You brief her about your project and seeks her assistance in fixing up an appointment with the boss.

As you are inside his office you start explaining. But … Read the rest

2. Our Teacher

Jesus taught much during His lifetime. Even then the disciples had difficulty understanding all He said. When Jesus left this earth, He told His disciples that He had much more to say.

But the problem was that the disciples were not capable of receiving them then: “I have much more to say to you, more … Read the rest

1. You Are Not Alone

In the past, you might have got strength from God’s promise: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5b NIV). But have you ever thought how this promise becomes real in your life?

The promise becoming real can be understood thus: Someone gives you a gift voucher. As long as you … Read the rest

Meet the Holy Spirit


The Bible does not introduce God. Instead it begins with God. Probably it is a human tendency to introduce everybody properly.

God, on the other hand, needs no introduction. Instead, the Bible begins with the focus on His active involvement in creation. And in the second verse, we read: “And the Spirit of God … Read the rest

The Lordship of Jesus Christ

The Bible teaches the Lordship of Jesus Christ. He is the Lord Jesus Christ; where Lord (Kyrios in Greek) was used by His disciples as a term equivalent to God (Yahweh in Hebrew) Himself. The fact that Jesus is Lord is evident even in the first announcement of His birth given to shepherds: “Today in

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Finishing the Race

Jesus in one of His parables talked about the possibility of a man being ridiculed by others for laying the foundation of a tower but not able to finish it. Others will say about him: “This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.”

Jesus said this example to ask us to count … Read the rest


Hebrews Chapter 11 is a great chapter on faith.

It describes faith as being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Thus faith enables one to know for sure what God holds for him in the future; both in this life and the life to come.

It tells … Read the rest


Obedience is the God-given step to blessing. In numerous places in the Bible, God has clearly said: “IF you OBEY,” then I will bless!

Obedience better than sacrifices

Many people think that God is pleased with sacrifices. But through Prophet Jeremiah God said that when He brought His people out of Egypt, He just did … Read the rest

Return to the LORD

Backsliding is a reality in many Christian lives. Those who had started their walk in Christ with great enthusiasm soon grow cold in their hearts. When difficulties confront them they find it easy to go back to their old ways of life.

Sometimes lack of encouragement from friends can cause a person to neglect God. … Read the rest

The Narrow Road

Jesus did not present a popular “good news.” Instead He pointed out that the road one has to travel is narrow. He said that only a few find it!

On the other hand there is a wide gate and a broad road. He said it leads to destruction. The Book of Proverbs notes that “There … Read the rest

Humbling Oneself

God looks with favor on those who humble themselves.

The Bible gives us many examples of this. “Because Rehoboam humbled himself, the Lord’s anger turned from him, and he was not totally destroyed.”

About Manasseh, the wicked king, it is written that when he prayed, the Lord brought him back to Jerusalem from where he … Read the rest