Meet the Holy Spirit


The Bible does not introduce God. Instead it begins with God. Probably it is a human tendency to introduce everybody properly.

God, on the other hand, needs no introduction. Instead, the Bible begins with the focus on His active involvement in creation. And in the second verse, we read: “And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters” (Genesis 1:2b NIV).

In modern terms, you can visualize a helicopter in mid-sea hovering above the waters. This is a very limited description but it can help you understand something about the active involvement of the Spirit of God in creation.

Today, what you need is not a detailed study about the Holy Spirit. Definitely, study is important. But the greater need is an experience of the Spirit of God hovering over you. Then, God can command light to shine forth in your darkness.

Yes, “Let there be light.”

The truth is that you have longed for light to shine in your darkness. You have tried to read the Bible more, pray more, depended on friends more and tried every spiritual discipline you know.

Yet the darkness has intensified. Hope has diminished. Your life now seems to be formless and empty.

Yet, these are conditions where the mighty work of the Spirit of God is done. It was so in the beginning. It is so today.

You need to eagerly desire to have the Spirit of God move in your life. He is God. The Bible does not much explain Him. Jesus used wind to illustrate the Spirit’s work: “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit” (John 3:8 NIV).

From this you can know that you cannot expect to know everything about the Spirit of God. But you can experience Him.

It is when you are ready to allow the Spirit of God to move actively in your life that light breaks forth. It is then that you experience the call out of darkness into His wonderful light (Ref. 1 Peter 2:9).

Just as the Holy Spirit came upon Mary and the power of the Most High overshadowed her (Ref. Luke 1:35) to bring forth Jesus, the light of this world; so also shall the Holy Spirit hover over your life to bring forth light.

The 59th chapter of Isaiah ends with the sure promise of God that the Spirit of God shall not depart from the children of God. And then the 60th chapter begins with a sudden burst: “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you” (NIV).

So, what are you waiting for? Pray that the Spirit of God will hover over you. Then the darkness of your life shall be conquered by the coming of light. The Spirit of God’s creative involvement in your life shall make it possible.

Do not ask how? That is impossible to explain. But you shall see light break forth in your life. No darkness can resist the power of the mighty strength of the Spirit of God. Only allow Him to blow in any direction He pleases.

In the following segments you’ll get to know more about how the Spirit of God helps you; especially to know God intimately.

Table of Contents

Meet the Holy Spirit: An Introduction
1. You Are Not Alone
2. Our Teacher
3. Our Helper in Prayer
4. Our Guide
5. A New Relationship
6. The Promise
7. The Spirit of God in the Life of Jesus

A Beginner’s Introduction to the Holy Spirit

Prayer Life of Jesus Christ