For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end (Psalm 48:14 NIV).
This God who dwells with His children and protects them is our God. He is our God not only for our earthly life, but for the life beyond it as well. He is our guide who delights to show us the way. With God as your guide, you never need fear losing the way for He Himself is the way.
The problems in life really begin when we forget that God is our guide. We rush here and there to our friends and relations to seek advice to take the next few steps.
We soon find that people do not have the answers. And when that happens and help fails to come from them, we fall into despair and think that there is no one to help us.
This is because we fail to remember that God is our constant companion. Our earthly guides do not walk with us all the way; nor do we constantly seek their guidance. But unlike them God is committed to see us through to the end.
Though the way sometimes is rugged and takes you through unknown places, you can be assured that God is walking along with you. He shall not desert you even for a brief moment. This Guide watches over our every step and firmly holds our hand that we may not fall.
Therefore first seek His guidance always before rushing to those near and dear to you. Then you will have Him by your side at all times giving you words of wisdom and making sure that light will shine for you even in the dark.
Though darkness may hide His face He remains always near. And you will find that every road that seems to end is but the portal of a new beginning for He is our God for ever and ever!
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