Bohnfi’s Angel

“Mom,” … “Dad!” Bohnfi screamed.

Hearing this cry, his parents were awakened from their sleep. They rushed to his room and switched on the lights .

Bohnfi, who usually slept well, was sitting up on his bed, wide awake, eyes popping out; filled with fear!

Steve (actually Stephen) and Miriam, his parents, looked at each other with a puzzled look. Then with one voice, they asked him: “What’s the matter, sonny?”

Miriam sat by his bed and lovingly embraced her son, saying, “It’s going to be o.k. Tell us, had you a dream?”

Amidst sobs, he then said: “Ya, I saw bad dream. T’was all dark. … Mom, it was fright’ning. I don’t want to sleep alone here.”

“O.K. I’ll sleep by your side,” said Miriam. “Bohnfi, did you pray before you went to sleep?” she asked.

“No, I forgot.” said Bohnfi.

Steve was listening to them. Now he said: “See, sonny, you need not fear. Did’nt you know that God has sent angels to guard you. They live in God’s presence. Even though you can’t see them, they are all around you. So when you pray at night, before you go to sleep, ask Jesus to send angels to guard you.”

Have You Seen Real Angels?

Bohnfi looked up to his father’s face. His Mom and Dad could now see a twinkle in his eye. The fear in his eyes had left. They knew that Bohnfi now was not afraid anymore.

Now Bohnfi asked: “Can I pray now?”

“Oh, yes, go ahead” said Miriam.

So Bohnfi with folded hands and closed eyes knelt beside his bed. And said: “Dear Jesus, I am frightened by dreams. Please send your angels to watch over me. Help me to sleep peacefully. Thanks. Amen.”

Now Steve said, “Now, Bohnfi, you go to sleep. Your Mom will sleep by your side.”

But Bohnfi said, “No, Dad. I’m sure Jesus has sent His angels in answer to my prayer. They’re all around me. I’ve fear no more. I’ll sleep alone.” And he beamed an angelic smile.

Bohnfi’s room seemed to brighten with a heavenly shine for a few moments. In another few moments he was sleeping peacefully.

Theme: Fear/Angel’s Protection.
Scripture Memory: “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them” (Psalm 34:7 NIV).

“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways” (Psalm 91:11 NIV).

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