You’re a God who knows the way I take,
No path can be hidden from your eyes:
Though I do remain in the dark often;
Still, O God, you are my guiding light!You’re a God who sends your angel
To touch the lone discouraged man;
Lifting him up, giving him hope,
Bidding him walk the long road home.You’re my loving God who forsakes not,
Even when I wander from your fold;
But searches for me till I am found
And carries me home on shoulders broad.You’re my God when dreams are lost,
And doors shut close at every turn:
Then you open mine eyes to see
Your hand reviving your work in me.You’re a God who fails not to provide
Your trusting child his every need:
Beside the brook; by raven’s flight,
And in the desert; by springs nearby.Read more posts in Living Streams