Have You Ever Prayed,”I Want to Know the Power of His Resurrection?”

Our prayers reveal who we really are. It shows very clearly how big or small our understanding of God is. It also shows how selfish and self-centred most of our prayers are.

In the light of these thoughts let us look at a very different kind of prayer. It shows us the true heart of this man. He is a spiritual giant in our eyes and no less in God’s estimate. Yet this was his prayer, “That I may know him and the power of his resurrection (see Philippians 3:10).”

Paul has so many great achievements to his credit. He took the gospel to the greatest market places and cultural and political capitals of that time including Rome. He could impact morally corrupt cities like Corinth. He was a very learned man. Yet his prayer is “That I may know him.”

Compare your prayers to this. Does your prayer reflect this longing to know God more and more? See, there is no time you can say you have known all about God. The secret is to have an understanding of God’s greatness and then the confidence that God is calling you to an intimate and ever-growing knowledge of him.

Paul says that he wants to know the power of Jesus’ resurrection. See, he writes this from prison. Yet he is only bound by his chains physically. His prayers help him to rise above all that limits him. Can we also try to pray like that?

The point is that knowing God involves experiencing the power of his resurrection in our lives. Imagine what a difference it makes when the exploding power of the resurrection gives us the ability to rise above all our negative circumstances and seek after God. Imagine having a relationship with God that is more personal, intimate, and deeply satisfying than all your relationships on earth!

Perhaps the most important aspect of this in the 21st century is the ability to cut off everything like spending too much time with social media and cutting off relationships that are not in tune with Biblical standards of Christian purity.

Yes, the first thing that the power of the resurrection will do in your life will be enabling you to cut off and cut away all that is ungodly and sinful in your life. Secondly, having done that, it helps you to sharply focus on God with a single-minded eye. Finally, the power of the resurrection will give you a thirst after God, a deep hunger for him that no one else; even the one closest to you cannot satisfy!

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Everlasting Love–Some Inspiring Posts for You to Read
“Imagine what a difference it makes when the exploding power of the resurrection gives us the ability to rise above all our negative circumstances and seek after God.”