Every Heart Has a Locked Room!

Are you in a locked room?

Every heart has a locked room. That is where you hide when you are afraid. The risen Lord steps into such hiding places and says “Peace be with you!” (John 20:19, 21a).

Jesus does not desire that you lock yourself in fear. Not only does he grant peace but the resurrection is his invitation to come out into the open. You might have failed him. He knows all about it. But the resurrection is about new life and new power to go out and serve where you had failed.

Do you think God called you to end up in a room with doors locked (John 20:19)? And did you think that such a room is safe from God breaking in? The power of resurrection is that it happened when the large stone was still in place in front of the tomb. The power of resurrection is that Jesus comes in uninvited into your life and crisis situation unexpectedly with a life-giving word.

And then there is one more thing about the resurrection. As the disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord; so shall your fear turn to joy. The resurrection is not a magical turnaround in your life’s situation. Instead it is the confidence of the risen Lord standing with you in your life’s dark situations. When you know it is him you will be overjoyed (John 20:20)!

A locked room is not a dead end for a believer. Instead it is a place where you meet the risen Lord. He comes to you reassure you of his love for you. And to let you know that there is no fear in your life that he cannot conquer for you!

Finally, the locked room is God’s great message that he does not give up on you. The risen Lord comes and stands at your “What next?” moment and says he is alive. That puts everything else in place; doesn’t it?

Do You Consider It Incredible That God Raises the Dead?
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“Therefore Go!” Have You Obeyed the Command?
For more posts, see following categories/pages:
Resurrection Series
Manna–Inspiring OT Daily Devotions Complete List!
Pathways of Prayer
Process Patterns
Everlasting Love–Some Inspiring Posts for You to Read

“When the Lord closes a door, somewhere He opens a window.”
A quote from the movie Sound of Music.