Then the Temple of the LORD

Reference: 2 Chronicles 5:13b, 14.

Then. You might be curious to know what happened after “Then.” We are now trying to look at one the biggest moments in the history of Israel. It was the day the magnificent temple at Jerusalem was dedicated.

When they had done a few things under the leadership of Solomon and the priests, something happened. The glory of the Lord filled the temple of God in the form of a cloud.

How can this moment speak to us today? Today, there is no physical temple and worship focusing on the temple and its laws. Instead the New Testament teaches that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19). So today God dwells in you through the Holy Spirit.

At the same time, as we look back at this historical incident of God’s glory filling the temple, we find we can learn many lessons from it. What were the incidents that led up to it?

First of all, all the work of the temple was finished. It is important to finish the work that God has assigned to us before the glory of God can come.

Then we find that the ark of God, which represented the presence of God was brought to the Temple and placed in the most holy place. In a way, it can be said that the people knew that it was God’s presence which made the temple a place of worship.

There was a music and singing with a united heart. Led by the priests they sang to the Lord with a loud voice saying, “He is good, his love endures for ever.” Worship with a united heart which focuses on the goodness of the Lord will bring his glory into our midst.

But above all, the priests after placing the ark inside the most holy place withdrew from there. There is a time when we have to move back and give God all the stage.

Our lives lack the presence of God mostly because we are at the front enjoying the limelight. The Spirit of God would come only when we allow him to focus the attention of people on Jesus—the One lifted up for us on the cross.

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