Made Me Bold and Stouthearted

When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted (Psalm 138:3 NIV).

There comes some desperate times in our lives when the need is so great that we just call out to others for help. Those who trust in God immediately call out to Him in such situations. It is deep need and a feeling of helplessness that comes over us during such occasions that make us call out in despair.

Even then we may not feel any comfort since we feel that no one has heard. We then are tempted to think that even God may not help.

But here the Word of God makes it plain that God hears. And He answers. But God does a miracle first of all. It is a miracle that we do not expect. It is not something for which we hoped for. This is God’s surprising way of dealing with His children.

What is this miracle? It is not the answer to our prayers. The answer to our prayers is the second miracle. The first miracle is something else.

This miracle is that God changes the attitude of our hearts. He changes the fearfulness and despair in our hearts first. He pours strength into our wavering hearts. He makes us strong.

He makes our heart trust in Him completely and long before the real answer comes, He makes us believe earnestly in our hearts that the answer is coming for sure.

God and fear cannot reside in our hearts together. When fear has made a strong hold in our hearts then God finds it important to dislodge that fear. He does it by pouring His strength into our hearts. Then we are comforted by His love and ready to receive the answer to our prayers.

So, by all means let us call out to God in our deepest needs. He shall make us bold and stouthearted.

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