But David Remained in Jerusalem, Woman Bathing

But David remained in Jerusalem. One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful (2 Samuel 11:1b,2 NIV).

This is how the most tragic moments of David’s otherwise glorious life comes about. These verses explain how it all came about:

First, David had not gone to war; he was absenting himself from duty.
Secondly, he could have turned away his eyes when he first saw the woman bathing.

“But each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death” (James 1:14,15 NIV).

Absenting himself from duty and looking upon the bathing woman led to sin. But the more important question is not how, but why? Why did such a sin occur in the life of David, a man after God’s own heart? Was it an accidental slip? Definitely not.

For David does not even realize that he had committed adultery and murder until he is confronted by Nathan the prophet more than ten months later. That surely points to the fact that his heart was generally not right with God during that period in his life.

So the important thing in this incident is to note the fact that David had neglected his close walk with God. That led to such evil in his life.

Surely David had sought God earnestly during his time of battles and struggles of the early years. But then, his becoming the undisputed king over all Israel,a palace being built for him by Hiram king of Tyre, his recent victories, the eternal promise of God to David to make his throne endure forever; all could have made him less watchful.

He might have neglected God’s Word which would have otherwise warned him against coveting and adultery and murder.

Therefore it would be right to say that victories in life should make you more watchful. It is during those periods that you should renew and redouble your efforts to stay in touch with God. Otherwise you’ll absent yourself from duty and your eyes shall wander; resulting in sin!

Lust of the Eyes–Part I
Lust of the Eyes–Part II
Not to Look Lustfully at a Girl
Are You Struggling with Masturbation?
About God’s Will and Right Sexual Conduct

Are You Hooked to Internet Pornography? 7 Steps to Freedom from Sin!

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