Do Not Let This Book

Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful (Joshua 1:8 NIV).

Joshua was given the leadership of the Israelites. He succeeded Moses. It was a huge responsibility as he was to lead them into the promised land. At the very onset God encouraged him. And Joshua was given a true road map to success.

We will greatly benefit from understanding this success principle because in today’s world many strive for success without finding it. Let us find out what is God’s recipe for success.

First of all, God asks Joshua not to let the Word of God depart from his mouth. This means that all his conversation was to be guided by the Word of God. He, being the leader of the Israelites, had to encourage the people quite often.

And words of grace inspired by a vision of hope for the conquests that lay ahead had to come out of his mouth. It meant that he had to shape his words according to the firm conviction that the Word of God gave him. God promised him success through this.

Secondly, Joshua was to meditate on the Word of God day and night. In spite of all his responsibilities, and even in the midst of them, his supreme duty was to eat and chew and digest the Word of God. His entire mind and being should therefore respond to the Word of God with delight. God promised him success through this.

The first two principles should find their natural destiny in the obedience of the Word of God. Fullest obedience was expected. God promised him success through this.

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